Monday, 1 June 2009

Our photos from May are all mixed up. Some are from my camera and some from Melissa's telephone but you'll get the gist of what we have been up to. The nice weather over the last couple of weeks has meant a slight reluctance on my part to do too much stuff inside so we've been sorting out the garden area. Inside the hall has been clad, the second lighting ring has been completed and more plasterboard has gone up.

Pulling the remains of the building outside down to create more garden/parking space.

Bit of wall we are leaving exposed in the upstairs drawing room.

The wonders of electric light!

These photos are all mixed up. We stopped off in Settle on our way over to the barn the other week. We don't normally go that way but fancied a change. I look a right yacker.

Insulation plasterboard sharp tidies the place up.

Cladding the hallway.

With the new wall up we have a real sun trap corner. It gets great morning sun.

Mel next to the completed new wall. 

Ma, Pa and U.Bob visited.

I put soil in the wall incase Mel wants to plant some alpine type things... also it might encourage the odd bumble bee hopefully.

We demolished the bit of wall left outside and have decided to not do the extension for now. We want garden space instead!